Sexual Assault and Harassment in California

Sobering Statistics About Sexual Harassment in the Golden State

California holds the dubious honor of the highest rates of sexual harassment in the nation when compared to national averages. Whether this is due to our larger population or other factors is not clear. Our state, however, sees five percent more women and ten percent more men become the victims of sexual harassment than the rest of the country.

A joint study was carried out by the Center for Gender Equity and Health at University of California San Diego School of Medicine along with the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (a.k.a., CALCASA).

The study was conducted over the course of two years and was released in 2019. The study focused on the State of California and concluded that in general Californians who identify as lesbian, gay, as well as straight male Californians of foreign birth, have a greater risk of sexual harassment and assault against them.

SAPR sexual assault image Tustin, CA

It’s vital to speak up about sexual assault in Orange County and around the country.

The study reports that 86 percent of California women report some kind of sexual assault or harassment in their lifetimes compares to 81 percent nationwide. It also found that 75% of gay or bisexual men have dealt with sexual harassment in an aggressive form compared with 33% of straight men.
California Is Far From Alone Regarding Sexual Assault

The United States Department of Justice figures show that a sexual assault occurs once every two minutes in this country with over 200,000 rape or assault victims annually. Disturbingly, in the vast majority of cases, victims were familiar with the perpetrator. It cites the statistic that seventy-three percent of assaults were committed by non-strangers. This bolsters the claim by personal injury attorneys that workplace sexual harassment is an all-too-common occurrence and that when it happens, it is important for victims to take action not only to see that those persons responsible face justice but also to retain a good self image and mental well-being.

If college statistics are any indication of the levels of reporting, then there may be many workplace instances of sexual harassment or assault that go unreported. According to a 2014 U.S. Government Report only 12% of sexual assault victims report the assaults.

Help for Orange County Sexual Assault or Harassment Victims

Sexual assault or harassment is not something that should be dismissed, hidden or ignored. It is vital for victims to report the assault or harassment for their own sakes and to see that those responsible face penalties. Counseling for victims is a welcome step in helping them move forward following the trauma of being violated psychologically if not physically (and in some cases both). However, victims may avoid taking any action, feeling they are often helpless in the face of large organizations which would rather not address the issue, diminish it or dismiss it (and the victim) altogether to maintain their seeming respectability.

When sexual misconduct occurs in an environment such as this, turning to an attorney with experience is these types of sexual misconduct cases can put the victim on a more even playing field when dealing with a bureaucracy. Having a veteran sexual harassment lawyer in her or his corner is assurance that the claim will be taken seriously and that all legal steps will be taken to make sure justice is served.

If you have been the victim of a sexual assault or sexual battery do not remain silent. The law offices of Kyle Scott in Tustin are here to help. Kyle Scott brings over 28 years of legal experience to the table as well as compassion for the victims of sexual assault or battery that he represents. The road to healing and the road to justice begin with a call to Kyle Scott Law at 714-544-1460.