Dog Bites No Laughing Matter

Orange County Has More Than Its Share

As an attorney that handles dog bite cases in Orange County I can personally attest to the fact that they can be quite serious. When we think of dog bites we may conjure up images of some harried mail carrier being nipped at by a Bichon Frise as he tries to deliver mail, but that’s a myth. If you haven’t had a chance to read the dog bite attorney page on this site, it’s worth taking a few minutes to do so.

small dog bites attorney tustin

Dog bites in O.C. exceed the national average

Even the smallest of dogs carries bacteria in its mouth and even a bite from a “toy” dog can cause great problems, especially if not treated quickly. The jaw muscles in dogs are much greater than those in humans, therefore even a small dog has great bite force.

Notwithstanding all warnings about dog bites, it seems dog bites in Orange County are greater than the national average. For whatever reason the number of dog bites in our area is about four times as high as the rest of the country. In fact, the Orange County Register published an article a few years ago with details about this. The article is worth reading, not only for the statistics it provides but also for an insight into the laws applying to dogs and their owners. For instance did you know that it’s the law that dog leashes can be no greater than 6 feet? Did you know that unless an area specifically allows for the presence of dogs—like beaches—you are not allowed to bring your dog there? The same is true for school properties and other public areas.

All this brings the law regarding dogs and dog ownership into focus. Similar to premises liability issues, dog owners must be aware of the laws and follow them. These laws were written to provide a certain amount of protection for the general public and not adhering to them may contribute to dog bite injuries.

Tustin Dog Bite Legal Resource

Since it would seem that Orange County has more dog bites per capita than other areas of the country, for whatever reason, the odds are greater that you may experience a dog bite in one of our O.C. communities. If you do, Kyle Scott is experienced in this aspect of the law. First and foremost, please seek medical attention if you’ve been bitten by a dog. Then contact our offices to discuss your legal rights and next steps. We’re located in Tustin, which is central to all orange county. Call us today at 714-544-1460.