Car Accident Law: Kumar v. Shumer et al. $59.7 M Injury Verdict

Maryland Case Applies to Orange County Defective Vehicles

While this case took place in Maryland, the principles involved would apply to similar car accidents or injuries in Orange County involving automobiles or parts which may be defective.

As I mentioned in my previous personal injury post, property owners have a duty to ameliorate situations on their properties which might result in injury to those who visit those properties. Likewise, manufacturers of products (including automobile manufacturers) have a duty first to produce those products without defects that could result in harm to those who purchase or use them, but also to identify and warn owners or users of any defects once known.

Wearing seatbelt Orange County CA

In Kumar v Schumer et al., the plaintiff was riding in the front seat of a Toyota automobile with the seat in a reclined position. During the course of a car crash with another vehicle, the plaintiff slipped under the seatbelt on impact with the other car due to the reclined position of the seat. His injuries resulted in amputation. The plaintiff’s personal injury attorneys claimed that the vehicle in which the plaintiff was riding was in fact defective due to Toyota’s failure to warn riders that riding with the seat in a reclined position was dangerous.

In this case the plaintiff was successful and the court awarded him $57.9 million. Defective seatbelts have also been the subject of other court cases.

Car crash injuries are not always solely attributable to one vehicle (or object) impacting upon another. In cases like Anderson v. GM a portion of the vehicle was found to have contributed to the injuries sustained. If you experience the trauma of a motor vehicle accident the cause and responsibility may not be immediately evident. That’s why it’s important to enlist the services of a veteran car crash lawyer. In Orange County that’s me, Kyle Scott. At my offices in Tustin, CA I and my team have dealt with many car accident cases. Oftentimes determining the facts means I physically visit the site of the collision. There’s no substitute for first-hand knowledge and it’s one more reason clients put their faith in me as an injury lawyer in Orange County.

If you should experience injuries resulting from an automobile accident in the Orange County area, get medical treatment first and foremost. Then hire an Orange County car accident lawyer with the skill and experience to negotiate the often complex legal environment that an accident can create. Call my offices today for a free consultation. 714-544-1460.