Sexual Molestation and Assault in Orange County

Perspective of an O.C. Sexual Molestation Lawyer

As a lawyer who’s represented sexual molestation victims in Orange County I have seen my share of sexual misconduct in our area of Southern California. Indeed, I’ve written about my representation of a client in a non-sexual molestation case here in Orange County and the defendant in that case was later accused of sexual molestation. The allegations had some notoriety here since the man accused was a coach of women’s gymnastics in the 1984 Olympics.

Not all sexual molestation cases involve high-profile names or positions and each case of sexual molestation are devastating to the victims. We live in a very imperfect world and unfortunately some feel they can take advantage of others for their own “benefit.” It’s a nationwide problem that, despite tougher and more wide-reaching laws, still occurs with regularity. A sexual molestation attorney cannot undo the hurt and suffering that such acts cause but we can fight to make sure the victim’s rights are protected and when applicable compensation is secured for the victim.

Orange County Resources for Sexual Assault/Molestation Victims

Sexual molestation and assault are crimes and should be reported to the proper law enforcement agencies. In Orange County the Orange County Sheriff’s Department has information available on their website for victims of abuse or molestation including victims or rape or domestic abuse.

Orange County also has a website devoted to victim resources and includes local, state and federal resources for victims of sexual crimes.

Sexual crimes should be tried in criminal court, but victims may also file a sexual molestation lawsuit in civil court. In Orange County you should research and hire a well-qualified sexual molestation attorney to fight on your behalf. With the risk of being immodest, I include myself and my law firm, Kyle Scott Law in Tustin, as one of those top sexual molestation lawyers in Orange County.

A search for “sexual molestation in Orange County, CA” is sobering. In addition to sexual abuse attorney listings there are hundreds of news reports, therapy resources and government and law enforcement websites all touching on the subject. The sheer volume of information speaks to how pervasive this problem is in our county—not to mention the rest of the country.

As a lawyer who’s tried many sexual abuse/molestation cases, I can tell you it does take something out of an attorney to realize how widespread these crimes are. On the other hand I can take pride in knowing that I do my part to see that victims are not forgotten and that each one has his or her own day in court, his or her rights are protected and that justice is served.

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse in Orange County and need an attorney to defend your rights in court, I ask that you contact my Tustin law office. I and my staff are well-versed in this area of the law and we understand how traumatic it is to be a victim of abuse. Please consult with us and let us evaluate your case. Call us today at 714-544-1460.