Car Accident Attorneys Help Increase Recovery Amounts

Orange County Auto Accident Lawyer Kyle Scott Explains

Type “car accident attorney near me” in an Orange County search and you’ll be met with a myriad of results—one of which is going to be my personal injury law firm, Kyle Scott Law. Yes, there is a significant amount of personal injury attorneys, not just in Tustin, but throughout the nation. Aside from our experience in automobile accident cases, we bring one significant factor to the table: having a lawyer looking out for your interests often means a much higher amount of compensation for you, the auto accident victim.

Over the course of my legal career I’ve negotiated many automobile accident cases for my clients so I know the methods used by insurance companies and their reticence to pay full compensation to accident victims. Those victims’ welfare should be their concern, but oftentimes the desire to save the company money overrides what’s in the victim’s best interest.

Orange County Car Accident Settlement Amounts

The average settlement for a car crash resulting in injuries is approximately $21,000. These settlements depend on many factors including just what the extent of injuries is. However, many times an insurance company will make their own determination as to the extent of injuries, which may not be a true appraisal of someone’s actual injuries. A veteran auto accidents attorney will make sure you are properly evaluated by a specialist that can spot and diagnose injuries that may otherwise go overlooked (and uncompensated).

It’s for these and many other reasons that, according to studies, accident victims recover, on average, three times more money for their injuries than those people who do not hire a personal injury lawyer and settle a claim themselves. Orange County auto accident lawyers therefore play a vital role in making sure car crash victims are compensated to the fullest extent possible. If I can use a football analogy accident lawyers are your defense, protecting you (your rights) and allowing you to reach the goal line (full and fair compensation). The sight of a hefty linebacker may give the offense second thoughts just as a personal injury lawyer on your side (backed by evidence and experience) can make an insurance company rethink the amount they pay you as a result of your injuries.

My advice to anyone in Orange County who’s unfortunately been in a car wreck is: don’t go it alone. Put a seasoned accident lawyer on your side. In Tustin, I’m that “personal injury attorney near you.” Please call me to discuss your case at 714-544-1460.