Orange County Car Accidents On New Year’s Eve

Advice From A Car Crash Attorney

Car accidents in Orange County are sad reality, but even sadder is the prediction that this new Year’s Eve will bring with it another 300 to 400 deaths on the road. Indeed, the National Safety Council’s injury facts website estimates with 90% certainty that there will be between 308 two 467 deaths on the road this December 31.

As an Orange County car wreck lawyer I view the statistics in the same grim way that you do, knowing that due to the celebratory nature of New Year’s Eve–including a significant amount of alcohol—it’s going to contribute to more motor vehicle accidents on the roads. I’ve represented enough car accident victims to understand the pain and anguish that results from a collision. It’s even more difficult to comprehend when alcohol is involved. You would think after so much publicity about the dangers of drunk driving that this would be a much-reduced factor in car accidents, but it’s not.

car accidents image from orange county injury attorney

We’re just about to the end of the year, which means the New Year’s Eve parties will be taking place very soon. Granted, we are technically under stay at home orders and this should mitigate the potential for drunk driving accidents on our Orange County freeways. However, human nature being what it is, we know that people are still going to celebrate regardless. I’m writing this in the hope that perhaps at least one driver will think twice about getting behind the wheel after inviting too much at one of this year’s celebrations. I can say that as a car accident attorney I’ve seen many lives ruined as a result of alcohol-related accidents. It’s not just my clients who have had their lives altered, but those who chose to drink and drive as well.

Accident Attorneys Will Fight

If, God forbid, you’re one of those drunken drivers whose victims I will represent, you need to understand that I—indeed all—personal injury attorneys are going to fight tooth and nail against you in court to make sure our clients receive the justice they deserve, as well as the fullest compensation we can secure for them. In addition to facing criminal charges you may also have to deal with a lawyer like me in civil court.

Things would be much simpler and safer if we all exercised proper restraint, especially during this upcoming New Year’s Eve. I can certainly represent those car accident victims who have been injured but nonetheless we’re able to walk away from a crash but it’s a bitter pill to swallow when the victim can’t walk away, one of those sad statistics: another new Year’s Eve car accident fatality.

Let’s celebrate this new year responsibly. If you’re driving, don’t drink. If you’re drinking, don’t drive. I think we can all play our part and keeping Tustin and the rest of Orange County is free of these disturbing statistics as we possibly can.

If you have been the victim of a car accident in need and experienced legal team on your side please don’t hesitate to call the offices of Kyle Scott Law in Tustin at 714-544-1460.