Can Sexual Harassment Turn Into Sexual Assault?

Sexual Abuse Lawyer Kyle Scott Explains

Sexual harassment is illegal as stated by the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC):

It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Unwanted sexual advances, talk or jokes of a sexual nature and similar practices in the workplace create a painful and hostile environment. Imagine having to go to work each day dreading being around those people who contribute to this type of environment. It makes work that much more difficult and if the problem is not addressed may result in a person leaving a job to get away from such behavior.

Sexual harassment in Orange County is as prevalent as is it is throughout the rest of the country. Some articles have claimed that after 81% of all women have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace and even 43% of men have experienced the same. While not an officially recognized disorder, sexual addiction may contribute to the need of some for sexual gratification even if it’s verbal.

As a sexual abuse lawyer here in Tustin, I can tell you that there are no mitigating factors when it comes to abuse. It’s just wrong. And it’s illegal. The pain and frustration the victims of sexual harassment suffer is bad enough—sometimes on a par with physical abuse. However, harassment crosses the line from verbal or psychological abuse into actual physical molestation or abuse the effects are exponentially more devastating.

One of the most disturbing aspect of sexual molestation–specifically when a minor is involved–is that oftentimes the person engaging in molestation is in a position of authority and trust. We like to think that those who hold such positions—teacher, clergy or another authority figure–would recognize that with such positions of authority they have a great responsibility to make sure those under their care are safe. Aside from the physical and psychological trauma that abuse inflicts upon its victims there’s a great deal of resentment and disappointment toward the perpetrators of sexual molestation or abuse.

New laws in California have increased the statute of limitations for sexual abuse victims, specifically minors, but victims of sexual harassment in this state have one year from the date of the last harassment incident to file a claim. It’s unfortunate that in so many cases involving sex or which include some sexual content, that the victims often feel a sense of shame even though it was not their fault and the harassment or abuse was not initiated by them. In a perfect world it would be the perpetrators who feel the shame. Indeed, in a perfect world there would be no sexual abuse to begin with. Unfortunately, the world we live in is all too imperfect, but as an Orange County sexual abuse attorney one of my functions just to make sure that those victims sexual harassment, abuse or molestation are not the ones who are shamed. On the contrary, it’s my job to make sure the justice is done for them and that the perpetrator in positions of power or authority—are held responsible.

I can only reiterate that if you have been the victim of abuse or molestation in Tustin or anywhere in Orange County, do not sit quietly and hope that with time the pain will go away. Unless your abuser or molester is made to account for his or her wrongs and illegal actions, it’s not just you that may have been abused but others who will come in contact with these same people. Do not wait for the statute of limitations to run out either. Speaking with an experienced sexual harassment attorney as soon as possible is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your well-being. Time eventually may heal the wounds but an attorney like myself will fight for justice in the here and now. I encourage any victim of abuse or molestation to find the courage to call my office and let me and my staff evaluate your case and find justice for you.