The Personal Injury Attorney: TV vs. Reality

Tustin Injury Lawyer on Judicial Temperament (And Humor)

Personal injury attorney ads are like wildflowers. They tend to spring up just about everywhere. One well-known lawyer likes to snarl for the camera while pointing an angry finger at you. Ads like these may be memorable if only for the fact that you remember them for the kitsch value. For me as a personal injury lawyer in Orange County, I think many personal injury advertisements are over the top. That, or the firms in the ads take themselves too seriously, portraying themselves as some kind of super law firm, almost untouchable or unreachable. To me these types of portrayals make me think law firms like this work on volume. They promote an image of themselves that may or may not be accurate but in both cases it seems like a façade. They have created personae in an attempt to attract new clients which may be an effective advertising strategy—and I too want to get my firm in from of the public, especially in Tustin—but it’s a bit disingenuous to you as an injury victim. In the first case I mentioned, you’re not really going to deal with a perennially angry lawyer and in the second it seems obvious that the firm is so big, so full of itself, you’ll likely be just a number to them.

The vast majority of personal injury attorneys are like me, I believe. We have studied the law and have applied it in our practices, honing our legal skills over decades and quietly amassing a record of victories for client after client with little or no fanfare. In short, we’re real people who try extremely hard to secure the most advantageous outcome for our injured clients. When a personal injury client walks through the doors of Kyle Scott Law in Tustin, he or she will find a successful, professional legal practice. When you meet with me you’ll understand my grasp of the specifics of your case, but you’ll also probably see a bit of my personality shine through. I think life is too short to be a stuffed shirt attorney and if I can inject a little humor and bring a smile to your face following an injury, I’ll certainly try when appropriate. For all the bluster and chest thumping you see in personal injury ads, it all comes down to people helping people. In my case it’s me and my firm helping you to negotiate the twists and turns of the legal system of Orange County and winning the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries.

Kyle Scott - Tustin Personal Injury Law Team Member

No posturing here. Just personal injury law results for injured clients.

Personal Injury Law Firm: Relationship Between Attorney and Client

In sum, I think it’s about relationships. There’s a relationship between an accident attorney and client and it includes a great deal of trust. You have to trust the lawyer who’s handling your case (whether a car accident, slip and fall, sexual molestation or brain injury). Part of that trust comes from the personality of the attorney you hire. I hope that comes through in the series of YouTube videos we’ve created for my firm. I wanted to touch on several of the practice areas I deal with, but as a real person, speaking one to one with my clients or potential clients and without a polished script. I think the real worth of an injury attorney comes not from the production values of his or her advertising material but in the track record and in dealing successfully with a judge, jury or insurance company.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, slip and fall, been sexually molested or suffered a dog bite and are looking for not just an attorney to represent you but for a legal relationship, please give me a call at 714-544-1460 so that I can evaluate your case and show you just what a real, genuine injury law firm in Orange County can and will do for you. No feigned anger. No bluster. Just results.