Finding a Southern California Personal Injury Lawyer

From Tustin to Tujunga, Santa Ana to San Diego

Personal injury attorneys are not in short supply in Orange County, and similarly throughout Southern California as a whole. How does one go about finding the car accident lawyer or slip and fall attorney who will handle your case? What’s more, how do you find the attorney that will WIN that case?

Unless you have a personal injury lawyer in the family, it’s not something you think about too often. And the constant bombardment of injury lawyer ads on TV, radio or Internet have the effect of turning what could be informative advertisements into so much noise. You might remember a phone number through constant repetition or a tagline or two, but is that enough for you to pick up that phone and call—let alone hire—one of these personal injury attorneys? Does it matter? Does it all come down to a generic search online for “personal injury lawyer near me?” I hope not.

Personally we at Kyle Scott Law are grateful for the advent of the Internet and websites. Because of this technology, each personal injury law firm can have a permanent home online. This is especially important in that it allows an injured party (for example a car accident victim) not only to locate an attorney to represent him or her but to research that lawyer’s background, history, success rate, etc. The longer an attorney practices the better those statistics (at least they should be). For me as an injury attorney, my almost 30 years in practice means I have compiled a track record I am proud of. I welcome those searching for an injury lawyer to read about me. My website is the perfect place for this and injury victims can learn about me and get a feel for me as a lawyer. I certainly hope my experience and track record speak for themselves and prompt an injured person to give me a call.

Tustin Injury Lawyer’s Reach Extends Neighboring Counties

This leads me to another consideration when looking for injury attorneys. While the attorney should be fairly local (for example, you’re not going to hire a Nebraska injury lawyer for a car accident or slip and fall in Tustin) but that doesn’t mean the attorney must practice exactly within the borders of your city. As a Tustin personal injury attorney I represent clients from throughout Southern California. Indeed, my recent post on the car accident dash cam video involved an accident in San Bernardino. Other clients may come from neighboring Orange County cities like Santa Ana, Irvine or Anaheim and not necessarily from my home base of Tustin. There is a certain territoriality that applies to injury attorneys, but no hard and fast restrictions.

That’s why I want to appeal to those who live in cities other than Tustin and who are in need of personal injury representation. You don’t merely want to find that “personal injury lawyer near me” but the personal injury lawyer near you with the experience and success rate that instills confidence. I truly believe that in Southern California, that’s me. If you have suffered an injury accident (car crash, trip and fall, brain injury, medical malpractice or sexual molestation) anywhere in Southern California, please contact me at my Tustin office. No matter where you were hurt or where you live, my firm and I can help. And thanks to technology we need not even meet in person. Email, phone and today’s meeting apps like Zoom allow us to communicate remotely. Call me today for a no-cost consultation at 714-544-1460.