Best Personal Injury Attorney in Orange County

It Comes Down To Experience

Best personal injury attorney in Orange County is a title I don’t take lightly. If I were an injury victim searching for the best personal injury lawyer he or she could find in a specific area (Tustin, for example) I’d initially be wary of lawyers or practices making that claim. Indeed it does sound a bit boastful and egotistical. On top of that, what is it that some of these attorneys or practices base this claim on? Highest dollar amount recovered for their clients? Highest success rate at trial? It could be just another tagline for a lawyer’s website or advertising designed to make the practice seem so much better than the others in the same locality.

For me, “best” is a nuanced term that takes into account many things. Things that only come after decades of legal practice. In my case “best personal injury attorney” is the umbrella term that represents more that just simple statistics. It stands for all the late nights put in for an injury client. It stands for the appeals to higher courts when a verdict doesn’t favor a client. It stands for the sacrifices made by an attorney’s family when he had to put a case first or had to miss that little league game in favor of a client’s trial date.

kyle scott personal injury lawyer tustin ca

Best is an appellation that comes after working through law school and spending years learning the ropes from other seasoned attorneys who passed on their knowledge to the younger generation. It’s working in personal injury law firms and gaining the experience that comes with time. It’s taking that risk of going out on your own and founding your own practice and waiting for that first client.

Top Accident Attorney in Tustin, CA

Each of these is a step I’ve taken over the last 30 years. They have been like bricks in a building, each one laid on top of another and together creating a solid, substantial edifice. That’s what “best” represents for me. The accolades, awards and appellations (like “top injury and accident attorney”) come after the groundwork has been laid. After 3 decades– and still going strong–it’s gratifying to see the results my practice has achieved (see my personal injury practice statistics on It’s all this as well as a commitment to every personal injury client that walks through my doors that accounts for “best personal injury lawyer” or “top injury attorney.”

As I mentioned earlier, these types of superlatives may only be catchy taglines unless the injury attorney you hire actually has the experience and track record to back them up. I truly believe you’ll find that here at Kyle Scott Law, both with regard to myself as a lawyer of almost 30 years and my staff who have assisted me and my clients for many years as well. If you have been injured in a car accident, slip and fall, sexual molestation, medical malpractice or dog bite, I invite you to experience the difference my law firm brings to the table. Please call for a free consultation, 714-544-1460. And there is no fee until and unless we settle or win your case.