Injury Lawyer: Soft Tissue Damage

Tustin Injury Law Case Studies

Injury Attorneys like myself who have a considerable amount of time in practice will, just by the sheer volume of personal injury cases, have seen and represented clients with a variety of injuries. Whether sustained in a slip and fall, car accident or dog bite (which is a category unto itself),  many of the injuries fall into familiar classifications. Some of these include broken bones or traumatic brain injuries among others. One category or classification where an injury attorney can play an important role is soft tissue injuries.

Brain injury graphic Tustin lawyer site

Car Accidents and Soft Tissue Damage

Car accidents are one area where such injuries are common. As I’ve mentioned in previous car accident attorney posts and pages, due to the violent nature of automobile accidents and the forces applied to a person’s body, those forces contribute to damage in certain areas of the body such as ligaments and tendons. We see some of the same stresses and injuries in sports. Contact sports like football are especially prone to injuries. Just imagine a player being tackled or body-blocked. You can also imagine the same violent impact in a motor vehicle accident. These movements can  push, pull, stretch, twist or tear the softer parts of the body like the aforementioned ligaments and tendons.

Ligaments are bands of connective tissue that connect one bone to another at the ends. Often an injury attorney’s client will have injuries to ligaments in the shoulder or knee and it’s not difficult to imagine why. Being forced against the side of your car in a crash can injure a shoulder as it impacts with the vehicle’s side. Head-on collisions which may telescope a vehicle, pushing a steering wheel or dashboard forward into the interior may impact a person’s knees. Even if bones are not broken the knees contain ligaments connecting femur and tibia what can suffer injury.

The Role of the Injury Lawyer with Soft Tissue Damage

Without going into specifics I can tell you that injury victims with these types of injuries look for compensation (from the responsible party’s insurance company) have often found it difficult to get the maximum award possible, simply because insurance companies have a vested interest in paying out as little as possible. With soft tissue injuries it’s harder to prove injury than, say, a broken bone which is readily visible in an x-ray. An initial examination by a physician may not find these types of injuries. What’s more, symptoms may not manifest themselves for some time following an accident. If that initial exam shows no signs of injury, an insurance company may not pay full and fair compensation.

Injury attorneys in instances like this will recommend their clients see medical specialists who are more skilled in soft tissue injury diagnosis. A personal injury attorney will take the necessary steps to collect all the evidence (including comprehensive medical diagnoses) to prove (in court, if necessary) that the victim, did indeed sustain these types of injuries. Without the help of a skilled injury lawyer, soft tissue injury victims may be at the mercy of an insurance company and be forced to accept a smaller settlement than they’d otherwise be entitled to.

In sum, I’d reiterate that hiring a veteran injury lawyer such as myself is always an intelligent decision following an injury—whether car wreck, trip and fall or dog bite—since it costs you nothing unless and until I win or settle your case. If you’ve been injured take that first step toward full and fair compensation and call you Orange County personal injury attorney, Kyle Scott, at 714-544-1460. If you’ve been hurt, we truly can help!