Dog Bite Attorney on Emergency Room Footage

Small Dog Bite Puncture Wound

A dog bite attorney will, over the course of his or her career, be confronted with just about every consequence of a dog bite injury. And, as we’ve written previously on the dog bite attorney page of this website one of the factors that makes dog bites so dangerous—potentially–is the risk of infection. Infection or sepsis can easily occur following the dog bite because dogs have a tremendous amount of bacteria in their mouths.


The great thing about today’s technology is that it’s easy to find photographs or videos which better illustrate a concept than just words on a page. That was the impetus for this blog post. We thought it would be better to show you exactly what the potential damages from a dog bite are rather than just talk (or write) about it. The following video is taken in an emergency room and the female victim is showing the doctor her swollen and inflamed hand which is the result of a dog bite.

As we’ve also mentioned these pages even a bite from a small dog can be hazardous and in this video the woman does say that it one of the dogs responsible for her bites was 12 pounds. 12 pounds is certainly not a toy dog, but it’s not a huge breed either. We have to remember those that even breeds like a Chihuahua can cause the same amount of damage, potentially, as a Great Dane could inflict.

Visible in the video is this dog bite victims swollen hand and lymphangitis—what the doctor says some call “blood poisoning”—the red streak which is starting to go up the victim’s forearm. Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this video is the fact that the woman is being treated only one day after being bitten. The redness and swelling all point to signs of infection beginning. And, as we’ve said previously, getting medical treatment following a dog bite is the first and foremost thing that needs to be done. We think you can see from this video how devastating a dog bite can be, especially if not treated promptly. The woman in this video is lucky but imagine not being treated and the results of infection. Loss of limbs or movement are possibilities. Both would have a deleterious affect on the victim.

When a bite is treated quickly and effectively, normal function may return to the bitten area, but you can see that there is always the potential for serious and debilitating injuries following a dog bite. Indeed, that’s the reason that dog bite attorneys play such an important role. Most dog bite victims are injured through no fault of their own—many simply because they come in contact with someone’s dog.

Dog Bite Lawyers Role in Orange County

Without dog bite lawyers, victims would have no legal recourse or access to compensation for such injuries. You need to rely upon a veteran Orange County dog bite lawyer like Kyle Scott to make sure did you receive the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to following what can be a traumatic and devastating injury. If you have been bitten by a dog here in Tustin or in our neighboring Orange County cities such as Irvine, Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim or Laguna Beach, after you have sought medical treatment call Kyle Scott Law at 714-544-1460 for a free consultation.