Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics

Some Groups at Higher Risk

Traumatic brain injury (TBI), when caused by someone else’s negligence (e.g., in an auto accident) is one of the practice areas of the personal injury attorney. Not all brain injuries are attributable to negligence, however. Regardless, the effects of TBI can be serious so it’s important to have at least an entry level grasp of this type of injury. If you, or more likely someone you know or who is a family member, suffers this type of injury, early treatment is essential.

As we’ve discussed in earlier brain injury articles, TBI can occur when there is a bump or blow to the head. It’s easy to see how the violent movement of a car crash or a slip and fall can contribute to such injuries. Gunshots to the head can also cause TBI. In essence, any force applied to the head sufficient enough to cause the brain to move rapidly inside the cranium can cause TBI.

TBI can lead to decreased mental ability and/or motor skills. In some cases, it can contribute to death. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2019 there were 61,000 TBI-related deaths. This number is only the amount of fatalities associated with TBI and does not include the number of those who have not died but who have suffered this form of injury. The number of fatalities averages out to about 166 deaths each day from TBI (or in which TBI was a contributing factor).

TBIs In Vulnerable Groups

When brain injuries do occur as a result of someone else’s actions (or, in the case of premises liability, inaction) then an attorney such as myself can step in to fight for compensation for those injury victims. There are two groups that bear closer examination, however. These are the very young and the elderly. For young people who suffer brain injuries, those injuries can contribute to developmental problems. In some cases a child’s development may be disrupted. An injured child may not be able to take part in the activities and behaviors that contribute to a child becoming a healthy, well-rounded and productive adult. Severe brain injuries may prevent a child from learning, playing and interacting with his or her classmates and kids of the same age. Aside from loss of pleasure, not having this type of social interaction may make a child withdrawn or unsocial (or at least unaccustomed to being in social situations that would prepare the child for adulthood).

The other group that may be at increased risk, according to the CDC, are the elderly. As the CDC states on their website, more older adults are likely to be hospitalized and die due to brain injury because TBI symptoms may mimic other conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Brain injury may go un- or misdiagnosed. They urge physicians to check for brain injury especially when an older adult has slipped and fallen or been in a car accident. Many adults take blood thinners which may contribute to bleeding in the brain if they have suffered injury to the brain.

Brain injury in elderly man Tustin CA

Brain injury can go unnoticed in the elderly

For those wishing to learn more about TBI statistics, broken down by group (age, sex, etc.) the CDC published a TBI Surveillance Report available on their website.

The ideal ideal is to avoid brain injuries altogether, through safer cars, better or more responsible drivers, elimination of premises liability issues that can cause slips and falls, etc. However, we live in an imperfect world which means TBIs will occur. It’s is just statistically a matter of time before such an injury occurs in Tustin, in Orange County or in any city in the country. The effects are devastating in many cases—and more so in the young and old. Following a slip and fall or automobile accident, make sure your loved ones receive proper and timely medical care and accurate diagnosis. Hiring a brain injury attorney will also ensure that no legal or medical stone is left unturned. And unfortunately in some cases those who have some culpability in a person’s brain injury are at times reluctant to pay compensation to the injured party. In cases like that (and one of my largest verdicts involved a brain injury case) you need a TBI attorney on your side.

If you or your family member have suffered traumatic brain injury, please call my offices in Tustin to discuss your case and make sure your rights under law are not abridged or disregarded. Truly, if you are hurt, we can help. 714-544-1460.