Car Accidents and Shoulder Injuries

A Complex Joint Structure

As a personal injury and car accident lawyer in Orange County, California I’ve seen my share of motor vehicle accident injuries. One area of the body that is susceptible to a variety of injuries is the shoulder. One of the reasons the so many car crash-related complaints is that this is one of the most complex joints in the human body. Muscles, tendons, bones and cartilage all play a role in the makeup of your shoulder.

Shoulder injuries result from car crashes

Shoulder injuries result from car crashes

The shoulder is formed when the humerus (upper arm) joins the scapula or shoulder blade in a ball and socket joint. This joint can be quite susceptible to injuries (about that later). Parts of the shoulder include the clavicle (more popularly known as the collar bone) and acromion. These two meet in a joint at the top of the shoulder. Another element is the coracoid process which projects from the scapula. The labrum is a cartilaginous cuff that surrounds the end of the humerus as it fits into the shoulder joint. With so many various elements making up the shoulder it’s no hard to see how the body can be so easily affected by a car crash.

The Violent Movement of a Car Accident

One of the reasons injuries to the shoulder (as well as other body parts) occurs comes down to simple physics. In a car you body is traveling at the same speed as the vehicle. On freeways these speeds can be substantial. When an automobile impacts another vehicle or stationary object there is going to be an extremely fast transfer of kinetic energy—the speed at which your body is traveling—meaning your body is going to continue moving forward until stopped by some restraint or by coming in contact with parts of the vehicle. Today’s cars are designed to mitigate impacts as much as possible with seat belts or airbags however none of these devices can guarantee complete safety and the greater the force of impact the more potential for injuries, especially to susceptible areas like the shoulder.

Even safety devices like seat belts can be the cause of these injuries. The shoulder strap of your seat belt crosses your chest and shoulder and shock of collision and the quick release of kinetic energy may result in a broken collar bone.

The direction of impact is another factor. A frontal impact will move your body forward but an impact from the side (so-called t-bone crash) will shift your body toward the point of impact causing the shoulder to strike the side of the vehicle. It’s not hard to imagine the effect of this sudden movement on the intricate structures of the shoulder.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Broken bones are an all too tangible result of car accidents but for some who experience a crash it is damage to so-called “soft” tissues that cause pain and suffering. Soft tissues include things like muscles, ligaments and tendons. Damage to these tissues can cause pain which may not go away without treatment. To properly diagnose such damage it’s important to consult an orthopedist who can determine the extent of the injuries and begin a course of treatment. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is an excellent tool allowing physicians to see injuries within muscles and tendons and can further diagnose the extent of soft tissue damage.

Consulting a Personal Injury Attorney Following a Car Crash

In automobile accident cases that are the fault of another person, it’s a good idea to consult with a lawyer who has experience in this area. Kyle Scott Law in Tustin is an Orange County personal injury law firm with decades of experience in these matters. By consulting with Kyle Scott you and he can determine the best course of action, but most importantly make sure you receive the proper specialized care and treatment for your shoulder injuries or any other injuries sustained in an accident. The faster you begin a regimen of treatment the better the chance for healing. No one anticipates being involved in a crash but proper and timely medical care and legal counsel means less stress and the preservation of your rights under the law.