Ruling on Parenting Time from Orange County Superior Court

Parental Custody Rights Looked After in Ruling

The Orange County Bar Association makes note of a recent family law ruling on its website. In a June 30, 2021 ruling by the Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Family Law judge Julie Palafox affirmed that such things as COVID-19 or scheduled school break periods are not valid reasons to deny so-called parenting time.

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New custody ruling addresses parents in Tustin, all of O.C.

The guidelines set forth from the chambers of Judge Palafox as Administrative Order No. 003 clearly state that for parties with custody or visitation rights breaks in a child’s school session (e.g., Spring Break, vacation, etc.) are not ground to deny one party his or her right to parenting time. Similarly, the judge wrote that COVID-19 is also not a reason to deny this right.

One of the aspects of the ruling was the reiteration that a parent has the right to parenting time with their child and are considered fit to do so and make decisions for the child including taking designated steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as put forth by the Health Authority and directives by Public Health organizations (such as hand washing, keeping surfaces clean or disinfected, washing of hands and social distancing as appropriate).

The ruling comes in response to parties who have custody of children failing to give their former partner or spouse access to parenting time with the child or children, using such things as vacations or the Coronavirus as excuses to forbid those partners/spouses from visiting their children.

The ruling in its entirety can be viewed on the OC Courts website.